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All College Planning, Prep and Admissions

Navigating the whole college planning, preparation and admission process can feel overwhelming to both parents and students.  There are so many questions about preparing for college in the early years of high school like what types of classes to take, how many extra-curriculars, ACT vs SAT and what scores are good enough and whether its worth it to pay for test prep services. Then as you head into the admissions process itself you have to figure out the whole common application and when applications due for each school, when you should be asking for teacher recommendations, how to write a strong essay and whether to apply for early decision, early action or regular decision. Then there is all the planning in terms of what kinds of scholarships are available, determining if you will qualify for financial aid, how to fill out a FAFSA and so much more.  The list is long, and the answers can vary greatly depending on many factors.

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