Parenting Teens and Tweens
How To Be A More Patient Parent With Your Teen
What is it about teenagers that make even the calmest and collected parents lose their ever-loving minds?! And let’s be honest, most of us really aren’t all that cool or collected. We were just barely holding on before all the hormones, mood swings, and attitude…
[continue reading] How To Be A More Patient Parent With Your Teen
Why This Mom Supports Banning Cell Phones in School
Tweens and teens, cell phones, and school. This is the new hot debate among parents—myself included. And I know where I stand. For a myriad of reasons (including the fact that I am a former teacher and understand personally the challenges teachers face) I fully…
[continue reading] Why This Mom Supports Banning Cell Phones in School
No, Your Teen Doesn’t Really Hate You
This is a contributed post by Whitney Fleming, co-owner of Parenting Teens & Tweens and author of the upcoming book You’re Not a Failure: My Teen Doesn’t Like Me Either. It’s one of the toughest parts of raising adolescents: that moment when you feel like…
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Do you want to create a stronger, long-term relationship with your tween or teen?
Check out the new book by Parenting Teen & Tween co-owner Whitney Fleming.
Check out the new book by Parenting Teen & Tween co-owner Whitney Fleming.
There is no ONE path to success when it comes to the choices our teens make post-high school. The college admission process is out of control and so are the costs to attend college. It’s time to start changing the college conversation. There needs to be less focus on rankings and we all need to start questioning what we are doing to the mental health of our teens with the demands being placed on them to get into their dream colleges. Instead, parents talk to their teens about how to fulfill their dreams – so they can not just survive but thrive in this challenging and ever-changing world.
Explore College Conversations:
What do you do when your teen daughter no longer wants to be seen with you? Or when your chatterbox son starts responding only in grunts and sighs? Even if some of these teen stereotypes don’t happen in your house, chances are your relationship with your adolescent is changing. The good news is while parenting teens is hard, you don’t have to do it alone. Here are a few of our favorite parenting teens tips to develop a strong connection with your big kid.