Teen Apps
The average teenager has roughly 32 apps on their phone, so it can be tough for parents to stay on top of everything. The key is to stay engaged and keep talking to your teens about how to use their apps for the right purpose.

When it comes to teens and tech, apps sometimes have a bad rap. And for a good reason: apps like SnapChat, AskFM, and Kik have huge communities and refuse to regulate cyberbullying, sexual predators, or abusive language that can lead to anxiety, depression, or even suicide in young people.
But, while absolutely some apps aren’t a good idea for teens or preteens, tons of other teen apps can help our kids with mindfulness, school work, organization, exercising, and more. in numerous areas. Kids can learn to play an instrument, find volunteer opportunities, practice gratitude, or even study for the ACT or SAT all through an app on their phone.
When it comes to teen apps, we encourage you to keep the conversation going with your child, and never feel bad to ask what they have on their phone.