The Mental Load Of Monitoring: Screens And Social Circles
Have you ever been unsure what you have done all day to make you as tired as you are? In today’s tech-driven world, parents face an unprecedented mental load: constant vigilance over their teenagers’ screen use and social circles. This often involves researching new apps, monitoring online interactions, and staying updated on digital trends. For…
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Dermorexia: The New Teen Skincare Obsession that Goes Too Far
As a mom of a teen girl, I want my daughter to feel confident in her skin. But for some tweens and teens today, skincare is becoming an unhealthy obsession. Recently, there has been concern about a growing trend among tweens and teens called dermorexia, an extreme fixation on achieving perfect skin. There have been…
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My Teen Doesn’t Want to Learn to Drive And I’m Not Sure What to Do
When I was 15, back in the Stone Age, I could not wait to get my learner’s permit. I signed up for Driver’s Education through school the first semester of my sophomore year, and counted down the days until I could get my license. When I turned 16, I certainly didn’t have a new car…
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Location Sharing: Why Teens Love It Despite the Risks
Last year, we took my daughter to a soccer tournament a few states away. We arrived at the field, and no one was there. Just behind us, another family showed up, also wondering if we were at the right location. While my daughter started messaging in the group text, the teen in the other car…
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5 Must-Have Phrases Every Parent of Teens Needs to Shut Arguments Down
This is a contributed post by Whitney Fleming, author of You’re Not a Failure: My Teen Doesn’t Like Me Either. If you’re in the thick of raising teenagers, you know they can be so frustrating. They love to argue about everything. They think they know everything. They want to be treated like adults, but they have…
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What Do You Want To Be, Now That Your #MomLife Days Are Nearly Over?
The following post was written by Karen Johnson, author of What Do I Want to Be When They Grow Up? (And Other Thoughts from a 40-Something Mom). This is for all the moms in their 40s who put their careers on hold to do the SAHM thing because you knew you couldn’t do both—a career…
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